4 Signs You Should Use Inorganic Mulch Instead of Organic

Are you interested in expanding your garden or planting new plants? Learn more about how gardening can also work as a form of therapy.

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Grounding Yourself: A Gardening and Health Blog

Hello! I am so glad that you found my blog. My name is Margaret, and I have always used gardening as a personal form of therapy. Over the years, I have started to look at the research behind this hobby of mine, and I have been so excited to read about the mood-boosting properties of microbes as well as about other topics. In this blog, I am going to write about grounding yourself with gardening. I plan to write about everything from aerating the ground to using gardening as a tool for meditation and personal reflection. Please, explore and share my posts if they inspire you. Thank you for reading!

4 Signs You Should Use Inorganic Mulch Instead of Organic

14 September 2022
, Blog

Mulch forms a protective layer over a landscape to control everything from soil erosion to weed growth, so using it is one of the best things you can do for your garden. You'll probably be most familiar with organic mulches. These are made from something that was once alive. In contrast, inorganic mulch is made from things that were never alive. Examples include rocks, gravel and rubber.

The idea of using inorganic mulch might seem odd at first, but it does offer certain benefits that will suit the needs of some homeowners. Here are just four signs you should choose inorganic mulch rather than organic.

1. You Want Something Long Lasting   

One of the main differences between organic and inorganic mulch is that the former breaks down while the latter does not. This means that inorganic mulch won't need to be replaced nearly as often as organic mulch. In fact, it's probably going to last for years. Even then, you'll probably only need to add a little more. Though inorganic mulch is usually more expensive at first, its longevity means you're likely to save over time. Additionally, you're going to spend far less time maintaining your garden.

2. You Want Something More Attractive

You'll generally find that inorganic mulches provide a more pleasing appearance than organic mulches, especially after that organic mulch has started to break down. In fact, many homeowners use organic mulch simply for its aesthetic appeal. This should be especially attractive if you're using mulch in the front yard or want something more colourful and visually striking. You can go for anything from natural rock to stunning white pea gravel.

3. You Live Somewhere Windy

Laying down mulch can be tough in windier parts of the country, especially if your garden isn't protected from the wind by other buildings. Organic mulch is light, which means it tends to blow away easily in heavy winds. This isn't just inconvenient — it also leaves your soil unprotected. Since many types of inorganic mulch are relatively heavy, it tends to be better for areas that frequently experience high winds.

4. You're Worried About Pests

Most garden pests are attracted to moisture, so organic mulch tends to draw them to your garden. This can be a particular problem when the mulch is being applied next to your property. Inorganic mulches are different. Options such as gravel and rock don't retain water, so they're far less attractive to common pests.

Call a mulch delivery service to learn more.